Thursday, January 6

Harold Briercliffe

As those of you who haven't yet faltered in your New Years Resolution to get fit, here's a story to keep you safe in the knowledge that great things can come of persistence in exercise...

The current trend for taking your bike on a weekend break can be attributed to only one man - the late, great Harold Briercliffe (1904-1994).

Over 60 years ago Briercliffe decided to set off on his own steam, tour the country and write the much overlooked collection entitled 'The Cycling Touring Guides'.

Prior to Harold's country wide adventures, cycling clubs would regularly meet up to go on impressive local tours - often spanning 100 miles, yet this was simply not enough for Mr B.

The Rochdale born enthusiast split the country into six regions: The Scottish Highlands, Northern England, The Midlands, Wales, Southern England and South-West England. Oddly leaving out the flat lands of Eastern England.

The series itself was a spin off from Cycling magazine (now published as Cycling Weekly), they were made to be affordable and to sized to fit into pocket of a saddlebag. The brightly coloured cover pages increased their appeal.

Harold's choice of bike was a Dawes Super Galaxy. Produced by UK firm Dawes, the Galaxy range was preferred by touring cyclists for its long wheel base and slightly heavier yet stiffer frame - ideal for carrying the extra weight required for longer journeys.

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